Flat roof common problems
Roof Leaks, Roofing Problems

Flat roofs are common all across the country and are popular around the Phoenix Valley for homes and many businesses. Flat roof common problems include punctures, shrinking, blistering, leaks, ponding water, and poor quality installation or repairs. Read below to get a better understand of what problems flat roofs have and how to avoid them.

Most Common Flat Roof Problems

Poor quality installation and repairs lead to some of the most common flat roof problems such as flat roofs that tent, blow off in storms, and leaks. It’s important to research the track record and reputation of your roofer over who’s willing to just do the job cheapest. Paying a few extra dollars for a better installer translates into a longer lasting roof. Some problems are also the result of poor or no maintenance.

Leaking Flat Roofs

Clearly, the most urgent and annoying type of problem for any roof leaks can lead to costly repairs to the roof and inside the property. Regular maintenance is the key to preventing leaks. Having eyes and boots up on the roof on a regular basis catching problems before the water has a chance to find a way into your home or business minimizes the cost of repairs and potential damage to the contents of your structure.

Common causes of leaks include punctures and shrinking. Punctures are typically caused by dropped hand tools or even branches falling from trees close to the structure.  If a sharp edge hits a flat roof hard enough it will puncture the membrane and leave an entryway for water to get inside. Shrinking is possible in rubber roofing. Over time the rubber roofing shrinks and pulls at the seams between the sections. This leads to potential leak points in your flat roof.

Flat Roof Ponding Water

While the name might be “flat roof” they are typically only flat in comparison to pitched roofs and have a bit of a slope. The slope assists with directing water to gutters and helps reduce areas where water ponds and tests the roofing material. Single ply roofing is a flat roofing material which will deteriorate underwater that is left to pond. There are some types of PVC flat roofing that weathers this better, but ultimately the best flat roofs are those that are designed to drain efficiently.

Flat Roof Blistering

If your flat roof membrane has begun to look like the skin of an alligator it is known as blistering. When flat roofing does this it is a clear indication that the roofing has reached the end of its useful life.  If your flat roof is doing this it is time to replace your flat roofing to ensure the proper maintenance of your home or business. Doing so will protect the value of the property and condition of its contents.

Deficient Flat Roof Install & Repair

It might seem obvious but many flat roofing problems are caused by inexperienced or careless roofing companies. Problems can start when flat roofing is installed incorrectly, or when repairs are substandard. Training, skill, and attention to detail are the qualities your roofing company must possess to properly install and repair any type of roofing.

If you’ve had flat roofing that buckles or “tents” chances are the sections were installed incorrectly and too close together. This can lead to your flat roofing being prone to storm damage. High winds will tug at sections are that are sticking up and there’s a chance they can actually blow off, leaving your roof exposed.

Lack Of Maintenance

A huge cause of issues is not taking care of problems when they are small. If you’re not getting regular yearly flat roof maintenance you won’t know there are problems and they will fester.  Most flat roofing comes with a warranty from the installer and the producer of the flat roofing material.  Make sure you’re getting your roof inspected yearly so you can use your warranty to cover the cost of these repairs.

Phoenix Valley Flat Roof Repair & Maintenance

If you own a home or manage a property that has a flat roof taking care of the roof is an important yearly task. The Right Way Roofing, Inc. team provides flat roof inspection, maintenance, and repair. We handle jobs of all sizes from simple repairs through completely replacing flat roofing. For more information about how we can help maintain or repair your flat roof in the Phoenix Valley please contact us today!



Call us TODAY! East Valley: 480-232-5458 or West Valley: 602-299-8851

Tile Roofing

If you’re searching for a guide to tile roof cleaning this post should help you understand why a tile roof would need cleaning, and how to do it. Tile roofing is an investment that should be cared for to increase the years it lasts and to keep it looking great on your home.

Why Do Tile Roofs Need Cleaning?

Tile roofing needs to be cleaned for a number of reasons. Chief among those reasons is to make the roofing last as long as possible, keep it looking great, and even to help catch damage early.  In addition, cleaning helps preserve the underlayment and helps ensure water runs off easily, and quickly.

Makes Roofing Last Longer

Roofing of any type has the job of keeping the water out of your home. The tile on your roof works with the underlayment to achieve this goal.  For the tile and underlayment to last as long as possible cleaning will help prevent algae, mildew, or moss from growing on your tile. The spores associated with those biological growths can literally eat through underlayment if left unattended. If this happens you will be looking at replacing the underlayment on your tile roof.

Helps Roofing Stay Looking Great

It goes without saying that homes that are cared for and receive regular cleanings and upkeep simply look better. Stains from mildew, moss, or algae ruin the look of tile roofing. When your tile is cleaned on a regular basis it makes them last longer and stay looking great! When your roof looks new and attractive your home just looks better and maintains its value better.

Great Chance To Catch Damage Early

Cleaning gives homeowners an opportunity to examine the roof carefully during cleaning. This can help avoid more serious issues with tile roofing such as mold, mildew, leaks, and drafts. When these problems are caught early it costs less to repair them. When the roof is cleaned on a regular basis minor issues will be caught and repaired at significant savings.

How Do I Clean My Tile Roof?

If you’re interested in cleaning your roof yourself you will need the right tools, safety measures, and steps to complete the project. Ensuring that it is easy to get the job done without risking your health makes all the difference in responsible home maintenance.

Tile Roof Cleaning Tools

To clean your tile roof you will need a pressure washer, plywood sections, ladder, cleaning chemicals, sealant, and potentially paint, sealer, replacement tiles, and clothes. Ensure if you choose to clean your tile roof you have the right nozzles for the pressure washer to match your roof and the right chemicals.

Tile Roof Cleaning Safety

Responsible homeownership begins with putting safety first, and that is no different from when you’re working on your roof.  You will need shoes with good traction, distribute your weight carefully on tiles, only step on dry areas, carefully tread on the lower portion of tiles, work by section, and buff the tiles.  In addition, some of the chemicals might be harmful to plants around your home, so make sure they are covered and protected from overspray and runoff during cleaning.

Tile Roof Cleaning Steps

Bring On The Power – The first step is to use your pressure washer to remove debris and visible dirt from your roof. This includes the common dust we have in the Phoenix area, and any twigs, leaves, and dead insects. Work yourself down from the ridge and down towards the gutter. Make sure you let your roof dry completely before you move on to the next step. The PSI setting should be around 1,200 to 1,500 PSI.

Cleaning Chemicals – Reduce the pressure of the power washer to easily and evenly distribute your tile cleaning solution. Let the product seep into the tile’s pores for a few minutes or even until dry.  This gives the chemicals a chance to really dissolve the spores and remove dirt.

Rinse Cycle – Just like anything else you clean with chemicals they need to be effectively removed by rinsing. Sometimes this is the most demanding step of tile roof cleaning, depending on how dirty the roof is. Crank the pressure on your washer back up and aim directly at the stains or stubborn dirt.  Work your way down from the top to the lower section of your roof.

Clean Out Gutters – Once all of the dirt and debris has been removed from the roof it has probably ended up in your gutters. Gutters help prevent erosion around your home’s foundation and if they are clogged with debris water can back up and leak into your roof. Take a moment to remove debris from your gutters.

Buffing Your Tile – Once your roof is completely dry you will want to buff the tile. Not only does this prepare your tile for repainting or sealing but it also gives you a chance to inspect for damage.  This is the step that will help you catch problems while they are small.

Handle Any Repairs – Now is the time to fix any small issues caught during the cleaning of your tile roof.  Just keep in mind that minor damage can lead to leaks.  Leaks into your home might seem like a small problem, but if mold is developing in your walls or attic, it can add up to major repairs.  Insulation removal might be necessary and ceiling or walls might need new sheetrock, wiring, and insulation.

Seal & Paint – Depending on the type and style of roofing you have you may need to prime, paint, or seal the roofing tiles. Once your roof is completely clean and all damage is repaired you’re ready to refinish your tile roof. Now you can prime your roof, reseal the tiles, and paint if you so choose.

Phoenix Valley Tile Roof Repair

If you have a home that needs tile roof repair in the Phoenix Valley, we can help! Right Way Roofing, Inc. is a local family-owned and operated business that proudly serves communities in the Phoenix area. We offer tile roof repair and as we are in our 3rd generation of roofing contractors we have a wealth of experience and knowledge on repairing tile roofing in Arizona.  We only know one way to fix tile roofing, The Right Way.



Call us TODAY! East Valley: 480-232-5458 or West Valley: 602-299-8851

Best Roof Shingle Types
Best Roofing Types

When building a home or doing home improvement we all want the best. When it comes to the roof you want to make sure you’re choosing the best roof shingle types. Which is best for your room depends on where you live, your budget, and your preference for style. This post will help you understand what options there are so you can discuss which kind will be best for your roof repair project, or your new home build.

What are the different types of roof shingles?

The term “shingle” is defined as a rectangular tile of metal, composite, wood, or slate installed on roofs. The quality of your shingles defines how well they protect your home, and the home’s value, and can affect how well your property is insulated.

Fiberglass Shingles

Fiberglass shingles are constructed by overlapping web fiberglass and binding it all together with a urea-formaldehyde adhesive. This fiberglass mat is then coated with a blend of asphalt and mineral fillers to make the shingles waterproof.

Fiberglass Shingle Advantages:

  • Durable roofing
  • Lightweight
  • UV resistant
  • Fire resistant
  • Less costly roofing option
  • Longer warranty

Asphalt Shingles

One of the most common shingle types is asphalt shingles. They’ve been installed on homes for many decades as they are one of the least expensive roofing options. While some asphalt shingles do feature fiberglass shingles made using just asphalt are susceptible to sudden temperature fluctuations.

Asphalt Shingle Advantages:

  • Good fire resistance
  • Wide range of colors
  • Low maintenance
  • Can be walked on
  • Affordable roofing material
  • Great for sloped roofs

Organic Shingles

Organic shingles or felt mat asphalt shingles were originally made from recycled cardboard, wood chips, paper, and rags. These shingles were not as popular as the organic materials leaving them prone to saturation and moisture. Places with high humidity or frequent freezing temperatures proved very harmful to this roofing shingle type.

Organic Shingle Considerations:

  • Inexpensive roofing
  • Waterproof shingle type
  • Doesn’t last as long as fiberglass
  • Heavier than fiberglass shingles

If you have this type of roof in the Phoenix Valley and the material has broken down or your roof is leaking, we can help you choose a new longer longer-lasting roofing material to ensure the protection of your home.

Tile Shingles

If you want to install one of the longest-lasting and most stylish roofing options, tile shingles are a great option. They evoke the visual styling of properties in the Mediterranean and Spanish architecture. These shingles are made from clay, sand, and concrete in a wide variety of colors. Lighter colors of tile roofing will also lend your home another level of insulation. Tile shingles require a structure that can support the extra weight and they are a more significant investment in your home.

Tile Shingle Advantages:

  • One of the most durable options available
  • Can last up to 80 years or more
  • Visually striking style
  • Spanish or southwest styling cues
  • Low maintenance

Wood Shingles

Wood shingles or shake roofing fills in the pricing gap between cheaper asphalt shingles and tile roofing. This durable tile roofing option is environmentally friendly and lasts many years. One drawback for some homeowners is there is a risk of termites and obviously, wood isn’t as fire resistant and says tile roofing.

Wood Shingle Advantages:

  • Can last between 30 and 50 years
  • More environmentally friendly
  • Is a durable roofing option
  • Available in redwood and cedar
  • Is an energy efficient roofing type

Metal Shingles

Metal roofing is great for both flat and steep roofs and comes in different configurations.  It can be fabricated with solid metal or constructed materials.  Metal roofing is durable and endures a high level of use and abuse from storms. When made from low galvanized metal it is a very affordable roofing option but can be bought in aluminum, copper, zinc, and tin.  A metal roof when cared for properly can last up to about 50 years.

Metal Shingle Advantages:

  • Long lasting roofing
  • Inexpensive roofing
  • Variety of types of metal
  • Excellent storm survivability
  • Fire resistant roofing

Slate Shingles

As one of the longest-lasting roofing options slate shingles are an incredible option for any region of the country. Like tile shingles, a slate shingle roof must be strong enough to support the extra weight over asphalt or fiberglass shingles. While the roofing might last up to 100 years you will still have to take care of regular maintenance issues such as flashing repairs. Given the weight of the materials, these repairs are best performed by professional roofing contractors.

Slate Shingle Advantages:

  • The longest-lasting shingle type
  • Variety of colors
  • Extremely low maintenance
  • Great for any climate
  • Exceptional freeze performance

Best Roof Shingle Type For Phoenix Valley

If you’ve got a home in the Phoenix Valley and need to have shingle roofing replaced or new roofing installed, Right Way Roofing Inc. is here to help. As a local family-owned and operated roofing company we are in our third generation of roofing professionals and know the best types of roofing for Arizona. We also use the absolute best underlayment in all of our roofing repairs and roofing installations which add up to roofs that simply last longer than the competition.



Call us TODAY! East Valley: 480-232-5458 or West Valley: 602-299-8851

Phoenix Roofing Clay Tile vs Concrete Tile
Roofing Types, Tile Roofing

In Phoenix, Tile Roofing is one of the best roofing options available. Arizona residents enjoy tile roofing’s great look and unmatched durability, but there is a decision to make.  Homeowners can choose between two popular tile roofing options, concrete tile, and clay tile. Both types of roofing tile have their pros and cons. Read below to learn more about concrete tile vs clay tile.

Which Is Better? Concrete Tile or Clay Tile Roofing?

To figure out which tile roofing option is best for your home there are few things you should consider. The lifespan, cost, weight, durability, and color are all variables to consider when choosing your tile roofing product. We will talk about each characteristic below.

Tile Roofing Lifespan

Both clay tile roofing and concrete tile roofing will last longer than the waterproof layer which is installed under your tile roofing. This layer is called the underlayment and will never last as long as your tile roofing.  Both types of tile roofing are rated for 50 years or more, while the underlayment should be replaced about every 15 years.

Clay Tile Lifespan: 50-60+ Years

Concrete Tile Lifespan: 50-60 Years

Clay tile roofing has the longest expected lifespan when it is cared for and walked on properly. Clay tiles can be stepped on wrong and broken or kicked out of place.

Tile Roofing Cost

The cost of each type of tile roofing depends on the brand, style, and type. Some tiles have options for better energy efficiency and better appearance. However, we can offer a range of costs for each type of tile roofing.

New Clay Tile Roof Cost: Costs per square foot range from $700 to $1,000.

New Concrete Tile Roof Cost: Costs per square foot range from $300 to $600.

The cost of each roof differs with how large the roof is and the design of the roof. For an accurate estimate of what it’ll cost to get a new tile roof installed on your home please call for a tile roofing estimate.

Tile Roofing Weight

Tile roofing lasts longer than options like shingles yet it does weigh more.  Factoring in the weight of a tile roof is your roofing professional’s job. The internal structure and how much weight it is designed to carry is a factor in choosing roofing whether you want clay tile or concrete tile roofing.

Weight per 10 foot x 10 foot section

Weight Of Clay Tile: 800 to 1,000 pounds

Weight Of Concrete Tile: 900 to 1,100 pounds

As you can see clay tile roofing weighs less than concrete tile roofing. Every homeowner considering either type of tile roofing should still work with a professional roofing company that will do the calculations to ensure the roof structure will hold the weight properly.

Tile Roofing Durability

While clay tile has a longer lifespan it is not as durable as concrete tiles. If technicians need to work on satellite dishes or other workers walk on the roof tiles can be broken or kicked out of place.  Big monsoon storms in Arizona can also blow clay tiles out of place more easily than concrete tiles. Durability is a big part of choosing a roofing option as it protects the underlayment.

Tile Roofing Color

Part of choosing new tile roofing is choosing a color that matches your home. When you choose a color you want it to stay true to the color that looks best on your home.  Also if you need to replace tiles after a storm having tiles that keep their color will avoid your roof looking mismatched.

Clay Tile Color: Typically will hold color in our sun and last longest when glazed to protect the color.

Concrete Tile Color: With our intense sun in Arizona their color will eventually fade.

Depending on the color you choose this may not be an issue. If the color you’re going for is the natural color of the material it won’t matter if it fades. However, if you are looking for the great red or orange hues that make Arizona homes look their best colorfast glazed clay tiles may be the better option.


Clay Tile Pros & Cons

Clay tiles are a favorite for many Arizona homeowners as they last longer, stay true to color, and weigh less than concrete roofing tiles.

Clay Tile Pros:

Lasts longer than concrete tile roofing

Glazing helps tiles resist color fading

Lighter than concrete tiles

Clay Tile Cons:

More costly than concrete tiles

Not as durable as concrete tiles


Concrete Tile Pros & Cons

Concrete tiles can be a great option when roofing will be walked on often or if a less expensive roofing option is preferred.

Concrete Tile Pros:

Many times will be a less costly tile roofing option

More durable than clay tile for walking and storms

Concrete Tile Cons:

Heavier than clay tile, so roof might need improvement

Color of tiles will fade over time


Phoenix Tile Roofing Repair & Installation

If you’re looking for tile roofing repair or installation in Phoenix or the greater Phoenix Valley our team can help! Right Way Roofing, Inc. has been installing, repairing, and replacing tile roofing in the Phoenix Valley for 3 generations. We carry the best tile roofing products, install them right the first time, use the best underlayment anywhere, and back up our tile roofing work with a warranty. We are family-owned and operated and have many 5-star reviews on Google from our satisfied customers. Learn more about how we can help with tile roof repair, or tile roof installation anywhere in the Phoenix Valley!



Call us TODAY! East Valley: 480-232-5458 or West Valley: 602-299-8851

5 Tips To Prevent Roof Leaks
Roof Leaks, Roofing Problems

If you are searching for tips to prevent roof leaks you’re not alone, many Americans are stepping up to prevent damage to their homes. A leaky roof is not just one of the most common repairs homeowners call for, but a costly one. Most homeowners don’t have the time, desire, or skill to get up on their roof and seek out the problem areas that cause leaks.

Roof Leaks Are Elusive

Tracking down roof leaks is tricky business as the spot over a room in the home rarely lines up directly with the leak in the roof. Homeowners and professional roof leak repair contractors become detectives to track the path the water follows and find the source of the leak. They say that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, and this holds true for roofing. Regular inspection and maintenance help avoid leaks and costly repairs.

Roof Inspection & Maintenance Areas

The first question that needs to be answered before checking common leak areas is whether the roof has been damaged. Was there extreme weather, any animals around the house, trees that might have dropped a branch or limb, or possibly any cable or satellite work? Any of these things can cause punctures to the roof and cause leaks. It can be from missing roofing or holes punched in your roofing and even the roof decking.

Check Utility, Plumbing, Skylights, Chimneys

Inspect anything coming through the roof. Anything that comes through your roof is a potential leak source and naturally stops water from freely flowing off the roof. These are very common leak areas:

  • Cable or satellite installations should be checked to ensure they are flashed correctly.
  • Chimneys are a very common source of roof leaks. Flashings should be checked along with any seals
  • Plumbing vents are integral to homes but can be a source of leaks. Vent stacks should be checked for cracking, bad flashing, and if they have good seals.
  • Skylights are another common source of leaks as the top edge contends with most of the water. Flashings should be checked along with the overall condition of the skylight.

Check Your Gutters

The gutters on your roof play an important role in channeling water off your roof and preventing damage to your foundation. Gutters should be kept clear of debris as they can be a source of leaks when the water has nowhere to go. Gutters should also be checked to ensure they are fastened tightly and sloped so water will drain correctly.

Check The Drip Edge

While your drip edge might seem like simply a visual item it plays an important role in keeping water away from the fascia and flowing off the roof.  This means if the drip edge is missing it can lead to roof leaks.  Without a drip edge, wind-driven rain will be able to enter the roof and can cause wood rot.  Drip edges also help keep insects and small animals out of your roof.

Check Attic Contents

While rain and damaged roofs are common problems the items in attics can also problems can start with plumbing, condensation, air conditioning, bad ventilation, insect or animal infestation, or vent fans. Watch for the following problems:

  • A lack of ventilation causes the attic to accumulate moisture or heat
  • Algae stains on the plywood inside your attic
  • Intake vents clogged with insulation, dust, paint, or spider webs
  • Any signs of mold, as it can be incredibly dangerous
  • Insulation that is wet when it hasn’t rained
  • Rust or black rings around nails

Check Step Flashings

A step flashing is commonly installed where roofs butt up to walls and dormers. These can be problem areas and should be checked. Step flashings should also be used to replace anywhere mastic or low-quality sealant was used to seal the roof.

Phoenix Valley Roof Leak Inspection & Maintenance

If you live anywhere in the Phoenix Valley and would like some professional help ensuring your roof is in good condition Right Way Roofing, Inc. is your source for the highest quality roof inspection, leak detection, repair, and maintenance. We have been serving Arizona residents for 3 generations and proudly offer the longest-lasting roofing and roofing repairs.


Call us TODAY! East Valley: 480-232-5458 or West Valley: 602-299-8851

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